Sunday, April 20, 2008


I had to make one, too

After seeing this scarf on numerous blogs, I had to make one, too. To my surprise, no one in the family wants it, so it's probably destined to be a donation.

Pattern: K1 P1 rib, alternate colors every two rows. If you want more details, look for the "Noro Striped Scarf" pattern on Ravelry.
Yarn: Four skeins of Noro Silk Garden. I used two skeins for a base color for the whole scarf, and two different colors for the alternate color on the first and second half.
Needles: 4.5mm

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Borrowed Ideas

This sweater is based primarily on photos at BrooklynTweed of Big Blue. For instructions on the shirt back I used Elizabeth Zimmerman's “Knitting Without Tears”, available at Schoolhouse Press. For the ribbon zipper facing, I winged it. Thanks to my niece for modeling!

Yarn: Vendor at New York State Sheep & Wool Festival, no tags
Needles: 4.5mm
Ribbon: Purchased at M & J Trimming in NYC

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